Patient Education
  • November 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Tips for Traveling with Joint Pain As we approach the holiday season, many people will be traveling to parts of the country with different weather. If you suffer from joint pain, the trip and the change of climate can take a toll on you. Airports, train stations, and bus stations must provide accommodations

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  • October 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Prevent Back Injury While Doing Yard Work Sometimes a sporting injury isn’t the only way you can injure your back. If you’re a homeowner, outdoor tasks such as raking, gardening, mowing, and mulching can cause unnecessary back strain if you aren’t careful. As they always say, it’s better to work

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  • September 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Brachial Plexus Injuries If you’ve suffered from tingling, numbness, or pain radiating down your arm, the problem may actually be nerve damage closer to your shoulder. Most of the nerves in the arm arise from the cervical spine, gathering in the neck. They bundle together with a nerve from the upper

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  • August 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    How Chiropractors help Athletes Over the years chiropractors have become an important part of professional sports teams and have had a major impact on athletes’ careers. Many college, high school, and professional sports teams employ on-staff chiropractors to assist in keeping the athletes on the field

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  • July 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Chiropractic Treatment for Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a common medical condition that results in chronic pain throughout the body. It mainly attacks the soft tissues, causing musculoskeletal pain in the tendons, joints, and muscles. The American College of Rheumatology

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  • June 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Degenerative Neck Pain Neck pain is one of the chief areas of concern for chiropractors. While sudden injuries to the neck are often painful, slowly developing conditions that cause chronic pain and fatigue are even more common. This month, we’re going to take a look at some of the common reasons for

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