February 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

February 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

Back Muscle Spasms

Back muscle spasms are one of the most common causes of back pain and affect people of all levels of activity. Convulsions can happen anytime a person is tired, dehydrated, not getting the right nutrition, or when there’s something out of place compressing a nerve or inflaming soft tissue. But when people get back muscle spasms frequently or the spasm is severe, that merits an examination and treatment. Chiropractors offer a wide range of therapies that share the characteristics of being non-addictive, noninvasive, and maximizing the body’s capacity for self-healing. These allow us to provide pain relief to people experiencing muscle spasms for a variety of reasons, many of which are preventable through a healthy lifestyle.

Causes of Muscle Spasms

Muscles are strained by acute injuries, such as when lifting something heavy or by the accumulation of minor frays. The lumbar, or lower region, of our spines, are supported by muscles that connect to the hips as well as to other parts of the abdomen. When the hips or core are weak, the spine will be less supported, and the back muscles will have to overcompensate. This is especially problematic for swimmers and football players who have to twist their torsos constantly. But people who maintain the same posture for extended periods, such as office workers and truck drivers, also frequently suffer from poor core strength, and their back muscles tend to tighten from lack of use.

Sometimes the muscles are frayed or overworked because of a problem in the spinal column’s structure. A bulging spinal disc may be straining the surrounding muscle, ligaments, or nerve roots. Osteoarthritic wear to the facet joint cartilage could also cause the joints to become inflamed, which would put pressure on the muscles running between vertebrae. Prolonged inflammation may result in the growth of spinal spurs, which would burden the soft tissues.

Returning to Activity

Although it is advisable to rest immediately after an injury, prolonged immobility allows the back muscles to further tighten. A person will have to engage in therapeutic exercises to increase their back, core, and hip muscles’ flexibility and strength, with athletes incorporating these into their normal work out routine. People should also make sure that they’re bending down by pivoting their hips, not their lower backs, and that they’re squatting before they attempt to move heavy things. Whenever a person engages in strenuous activity, they should do a five-minute warm-up of dynamic stretches, and they should conclude with a five-minute cooldown. People are also much less likely to suffer strains when they have slept adequately and are drinking enough water.

Comprehensive Pain Relief

Many people find that electric muscle stimulation decreases their work out recovery time and helps to reduce inflammation following injuries. Convulsing the muscles in a controlled setting allows new, nutrient-rich blood to enter and push acidic waste-filled blood out. A chiropractic adjustment can restore the alignment of a herniated disc, and soft tissue manipulation can loosen tightened muscles and ligaments around an inflamed joint. A patient may benefit from the application of cold packs or heat packs, provided that neither is held directly against the skin or for longer than twenty minutes. Patients should also consult with their chiropractor in order to ensure they have an accurate diagnosis and that the treatment is compatible with their other health concerns. Many people also find that the attentive treatment in a chiropractic office lowers their stress levels, allowing them to unconsciously relax their backs.

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